Sheryl's cakes
Splashings on the web about food.
Sometimes people wonder what I do in London. Besides my full time job, I indulge in food and shoes... and hopefully some point further in my life, dance.
This site requires minor twiggings. I'm a tech and html idiot and find it a complete feat just to accomplish what I have done, so please pardon me. If you have some tips of how I can improve, do let me know. Thanks!
My stories
20 Jan 2008
24 Jan 2008
25 Jan 2008
27 Jan 2008
29 Feb 2008
1 Apr 2008
14 Apr 2008
10 May 2008
18 Jun 2008
23 Jun 2008
29 Jun 2008
24 Sept 2008
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Messing in the Kitchen
| 0 Sweet Pleasure(s)